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Bolt BTC

(5 reviews)

Ordinals Trade Alerts | Wallet Tracker | Collection Tracker

Bolt BTC, developed by Gizmolab, is a state-of-the-art Discord bot specifically tailored to provide critical real-time alerts and tracking services within the Bitcoin blockchain. Equipped with numerous features, Bolt BTC ensures you're always informed and ahead. Here's what Bolt BTC offers:

Wallet Tracker: Monitor activity for any Ordinals and BRC20 wallet on the Bitcoin blockchain. Stay updated on transactions involving key players or wallets of interest in the Bitcoin community.

FOMO Alerts: Get alerts about sudden spikes in transaction volumes or price increases in the Bitcoin market. Stay ahead of the curve and never miss a significant market event.

Launch Calendar: Keep track of new Ordinals and BRC20 token launches on the Bitcoin blockchain with our comprehensive Launch Calendar. Information from multiple sources ensures you always know when the next significant launch is.

Charts: Visualize market activity with charts for price trends, trading volumes, and more. This feature offers a clear understanding of market movements, essential for informed investment decisions.

Collection Info: Get detailed information on any Ordinals or BRC20 token collection on the Bitcoin blockchain. Understand the background and status of different collections to help guide your investment strategies.

Bolt BTC is your go-to resource for navigating the Bitcoin blockchain. With the most relevant and timely information at your fingertips, you're empowered to make smarter decisions in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

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Bolt Btc

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Wallet Tracker
Monitor activity for any Ordinals and BRC20 wallet on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Fomo Alerts
Get alerts about sudden spikes in transaction volumes or price increases in the Bitcoin market.
Launch Calendar
Keep track of new Ordinals and BRC20 token launches on the Bitcoin blockchain with our comprehensive Launch Calendar.
Visualize market activity with charts for price trends, trading volumes, and more.
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Bolt BTC a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(7 reviews)
User avatar
10 months ago
The Bolt BTC bot is a great way to bring your focus on what's actively being traded in the space. It has helped our members greatly. Must Add!
User avatar
a year ago
We at Corgi Calls found it very useful in analyzing volume of the hyped collections. Amazing bot for a very adequate price.❤️
User avatar
a year ago
Awesome tool for crypto alerts & meme coins! Running it in my server now and we all love it!
How do I set up Bolt Btc?
You can follow along with our step by step guide to setup Bolt in your discord server: https://bolt.gizmolab.io/ordinals-brc-20s/bolt-btc
About the seller
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Trading • Crypto

7 reviews

Empowering the Web3 Ecosystem with User-Centric Solutions🛠️

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